- Fixed error with transparent scattering in Blender 4.0
- Fixed issue with unscattering instances of scatter nodes
- Removed inner Scattershot utility nodes from the add group menu
- Fixed issue with baking non-PBR images
- Improved PBR auto-detection to include less false positives
- Fixed issue with extra output sockets when noise blending in Blender 4.0
- Fixed poll error in search outside of shader editor
- Fixed error when one selected image node has no image
- Added support for Blender 4.0
- Fixed issue with noise blending due to API change in Blender 3.5
- Added ability to add textures while re-scattering
- Improved initial location of scatter node
- Automatically set transparent backgrounds based on selected Principled or Diffuse BSDF
- Fixed automatic connection to the material output node
- Fixed incorrect vectors when using Noise Blended scatter method
- Added HSV Noise as input rather than output when used on a shader
- Added purge for inner group nodes while unscattering to reduce clutter
- Fixed issues related to Blender new Mix Color node
- Bumped minimum supported version to Blender 3.4
- Improved PBR keyword detection
- Made the PBR keywords editable via the add-on's preferences
- Added operator for baking displacement maps
- Added operator to clear baked results
- Added support for AgX color management
- Updated documentation and switched to using GitHub Pages
- Fixed issue with socket colors reverting to yellow
- Moved operators to a sub-menu
- Added error message if missing node groups
- Added some node groups as assets for the asset browser
- Fixed compatibility issue with ACES color management
- Fixed normal map rotation limitations
- Added re-scattering of existing scatter nodes
- Introduced Noise HSV
- Grouped scatter node controls
- Fixed error when not in Object Mode